Catalogue values for Platform Truck as per IS 10311 (Latest)

Category Specification Bid Requirement (Allowed Values)
Generic Parameters Conformity to Indian Standard IS:10311 latest
ISI Marking No
Rated load Capacity (Kg) 3000
Battery operated Yes
Type of Plateform Truck Fixed
No. of Wheels (nos.) 4
Min Power Rating of DC Motor (Kw) 3.6
Rated voltage of DC Motor (Volts) 36
Tubular Lead Acid Traction Battery of minimum 299 Ah capacity @ 5 hr discharge Yes
Platform Height (mm) 655.0
Seating Height from ground (mm) 1230.0
Number of Seats (Nos.) 2
Operating Floor Height (mm) 650.0
Minimum Turning Radius (mm) 3250.0
No. of Head Lights (Nos.) 2
Ground clearance (mm) 250.0 Or higher
Maximum Speed in unladen condition (Km/hr) 8
Maximum Speed in laden condition (Km/hr) 5
Wheel Base (mm) 1830.0
Wheel Track (mm) 1080.0
Type of Tyre Solid
Tyre Size (mm) 535
Tare weight of Platform Truck (Kg) 1265.0
Certification Paramerters Availability of complete & satisfactory test Report from Central govt/ NABL/ ILAC accredited laboratory Yes