Catalogue values for Flow Cytometer

Category Specification Bid Requirement (Allowed Values)
PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS Measurement of parameters those can be tested for cell sorting Upto 8 parameters (6 Fluorescence parameters and 2 Scatter parameters)
Emission wavelength of Laser beam (nm) 375 to 500, 500 to 650, 650 to 780
Sample sorting rate (events per second) Upto 10000, Upto 25000, Upto 30000, Upto 35000
Number of wells in multiwell plates 6-well, 24-well, 48-well, 96-well
USER INTERFACE Type of monitor (Min 18 inches size) LED
Type of processor core i7
Hard disc drive 1TB
Printer External
Printer type Colour, ink-jet printer
Compatible UPS with back up of at-least 30 minutes Yes
ACCESSORIES Automated pipettes with valid calibration certificate NA
Vortex mixture NA
WARRANTY Warranty in Years (Option of comprehensive warranty is available through bidding only, which if opted will supersede normal warranty in the catalogue) 2, 5 Or higher