Catalogue values for Digital Photo Slit Lamp with Applanation Tonometer

Category Specification Bid Requirement (Allowed Values)
Performance Parameters Type of Adjustability for slit width Continuous type
Type of Adjustablity for slit length Continuous type
Type of slit angle position Vertical
Type of Adjustablity for slit angle Continuous type
Type of decentering of slit image Vertical
Type of Light Sources/ lamps LED
Type of co-observing tube microscope with standard objective and eyepiece Monocular
Number of steps to attain range of magnification 5
Type of slit lamp camera with system Integrated
Size of camera in megapixel 16
Type of camera display LED
Size of camera display in inch 6
Availability of rechargeable battery for camera N/A for integrated
Availability of USB Cable for camera Yes
Availability of SD /SDHC Memory card N/A for integrated
Data Storage capcity foe SD/SDHC memory card in GB 64
Suitable UPS with 30 min backup to be supplied with equipment Yes
Warranty time of product in year 5
Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) which includes preventive maintenance including testing & calibration as per technical/ service /operational manual ,abour and spares, after satisfactory completion of Warranty period 4
Certificate to be available from OEM/principal regarding approval of service center maintained by seller Yes
Complete technical training for personnel involved in the use and handling of the equipment on site at the buyer/consignee end immediately after its installation Yes
Dimensional Parameters Slit Width Range in mm 0-14
Slit Length range in mm 0.1-14
Diaphragm sizes range in mm 0.2 to 14
Range of magnification with Drum Rotation 10x to 40x
Field of view range in mm for microscope 10 to 40
Eyepiece magnification 10x
Additional Parameters Spares bulbs provided 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, Not supplied
Spares Prism for Appalanation Tonomerter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Not supplied
Reports Copies of reports and certifications to be furnished to buyer on demand at time of supplies Yes