Catalogue values for Elisa Reader (ICMR)
Category | Specification | Bid Requirement (Allowed Values) |
Performance parameters | Type of Reading | Plate |
Number of samples at a time | 96 | |
Availability of external Laser printer | Yes | |
Keyboard | Inbuilt Key Board | |
USB Port | Yes | |
Memory Storage capacity for test results with patient ID | 5001.0 Or higher | |
Warranty (Option of comprehensive warranty is available through bidding only, which if opted will supersede normal warranty in the catalogue) | 1 | |
Reader Specifications | Dynamic range in OD (Optical Density) | 1 |
Wavelength range in nm | 400 - 800 | |
Filter | 405,450,492,630 nm with provision to add three more filters | |
Resolution | 0.001 | |
Accuracy | ±1 % or better | |
Accessories | Accessories | Operational and maintenance manual with SOP |