Catalogue values for Raman Spectrophotometer System (Forensic use)

Category Specification Bid Requirement (Allowed Values)
CONFORMITY/TYPE Conformity to technical requirements/Governing specification As per Approved Specification of Directorate of LNJN for ' RAMAN SPECTORPHOTOMETER SYSTEM WITH INTEGRATED COLOR VIDEO MICROSCOPE WITH OTHER SUITABLE ACCESSORIES, vide letter No. 14/37/2019 -LNJN NICFS Dated 7th October, 2019(Copy of Approved Specification uploaded in GeM portal)
Data Library Narcotics & drugs Library, Explosives Library, Preloaded Ink Library with facility to built new database of ink etc as per governing specification for "Raman Spectrophotometer
WARRANTY Warranty 12, 24 Or higher
ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES Suitable accessories to attach it to microscope, NA