Catalogue values for Digital Radiography System (V2)

Category Specification Bid Requirement (Allowed Values)
General Product Digital Radiography System
Description Digital Radiographic system with flat panel detector
Table and Table top parameters Type of table Floating Top Type
Type of table movement Motorized
Number of movements of Table 6 Way
Portability of table No
Longitudinal Movement (with tolerance ± 10%) ±50
Lateral movement (with tolerance ± 10%) ±15
Length x Width (± 5%) in cm 210 x 70
X Ray density < 1 mm A I
Minimum and maximum adjustable heights (± 10%) 55-85
Load bearing capacity of table in kg 200 or more
Table Bucky System Bucky rotatable No
Size in inches 17x17
AEC 3 Field or higher, NA
Grid Ratios 10:1 or higher
Lines in mm >=92
Longitudinal travel Manual
Upright Bucky Type Motorized
Sizes in inches 17x17
A E C 3 Field or higher
Movable grid with Grid Ratios 10:1 or higher
Line in inches >=92
Digital Detector Radiography Mode Digital
Number of detectors Dual
Detector Material Cesium Iodide
Detector Size in inches 17 X 17 and 17 x 17
Matrix size 3kx3k
Pixel size in µm <=175
Grey Scale resolution, bits/pixel 14 or better
DQE at 0 LP/mm 65% or more
Control panel for image acquisition Image preview time in seconds <=8
Control panel Microprocessor controlled
Automatic parameter selection Yes
Control panel entry Alphanumeric key board
Grid removable No, Yes
Anatomic specific post processing Yes
X Ray Generator and Tubes High Frequency X-ray Generator power in KW 50 KW
Maximum mA at 100 KVP 500
Focal spot 0.6 and 1.2, 1 and 2
Heat Capacity, KHU 140-200
Control panel and X Ray tube Yes
Post Processing Features Zoom, contrast and brightness, adjustment, panning annotate, mark and reporting
Automatic tube positioning No
Tube suspension Tube mounted X Ray control No
Type of suspension Floor Mounted
Collimator Type Manual
Workstation Monitor size in inches 21
Processor i 5
RAM in GB 4
DiCOM compatibility of work station Yes
Work station should be fully network ready and it should transfer images and patient data from and to hospital network using LAN connectivity or wireless LAN Yes
Work station integrated with system Yes
Work station with advance measurement tool should be provided Yes
DICOM Printing software to be provided Yes
Patient study on film Yes
Accessories Hand grips Yes
Foot switches for adjusting longitudinal/side to side movements, locking, and light adjustment Yes
Patient fixing belts and compression device (for performing excretory urography, etc) Yes
Stitching Hardware and Software No
Integration DICOM 3.0 storage SOP Classes
DAP Meter provided No
Lead Apron Yes
Lead Aprons - Full body and Skirt type 2 no. each (0.5pb)
Thyroid shields provided Yes
Gonadsheet Male provided Yes
Gonad sheet Female provided Yes
Wall mounted stand for radiation protection aprons supplied Yes
Lead glass window provided Yes
Footsteps for the table provided Yes
Power 440 V 50 HZ 3 Phase 16 Ampls socket
Voltage stablizer servo controlled in KVA >=50
Certifications Compliance to Medical Device Rules (MDR) 2017 as amended till date Yes
Availability of valid Medical Device license for the product issued from the competent authority defined under Drugs and Cosmetic Act 1940 and Rules made there under as amended till date Yes
Certification for manufacturing unit ISO:13485 (Latest)
Availability of Test Report for each supplied batch/product as per Medical Device Rule (MDR) 2017 as amended till date Yes
Submission of all necessary certifications, licenses and test reports to the buyer at the time of bid submission or along with supplies as per buyer requirement Yes
Conformity to Safety Standards IEC 60601-2-54 or equivalent BIS
AERB Type Approved Equipment Yes
Conformity to Indian Standard IS 7620- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Yes
Warranty Warranty in Years 5 Or higher
Miscellaneous Parameters OEM/Reseller ( if supplied to reseller shall ensure uninterputed availabilty of all spares for 10 years) Yes
Availability of toll free facility for technical support maintained by OEM or authorized agencies Yes
Availability of toll free facility for technical support maintened by OEM or authorized agencies Yes
User/Technical/Maintenance manuals to be supplied in English in hard and soft copy Yes
Demonstration of equipment and training to be provided after completing supplies before acceptance Yes
Copies of reports and certifications to be furnished to buyer on demand at time of supplies Yes
QA, QC and other tests as per NABH shall be carried out by OEM or authorized agency of OEM Yes
Copies of all calibration and test reports to be submitted at the time of Supply of Machine Yes