Catalogue values for Hight Voltage Detector
Category | Specification | Bid Requirement (Allowed Values) |
System Conditions | Insulation level (lightning impulse level) for 11kv & 33kv equipment erected on the overhead system | 170.0 |
System Voltage | High System Voltage | |
Sound Pressure (dB/meter) | 90 | |
High System Voltage | 36.0 | |
Normal System Voltage | 33.0 | |
Power frequency withstand voltage | 70.0 | |
Line to Earth (Nominal) | 19.05 | |
Insulated Stick | Diameter of Telescopic Insulated stick | 32.0 |
Warranty | Warranty | 1.0 |
Installation & training | No of training sessions executed | 5 |
No. of days of training program | 1 | |
Test Reports | Availability of Test Report from Central Govt/NABL/ILAC accredited lab to prove confirmity to specification | No |
Test Report to be furnished to the buyer on demand | Yes | |