Catalogue values for Octagonal Pole with Single Arm or Double Arm Brackets (V2)

Category Specification Bid Requirement (Allowed Values)
GENERIC Height of Octagonal pole (in Meters) 9
Type of bracket for suitable fitment of luminaire on the Octagonal pole Double Arm
Each bracket length (in mm) 1500
On site warranty (in Months) 12
OCTAGONAL POLE CONSTRUCTION Material of Octagonal pole Grade ISH430LA as per IS:5986:2017 latest
Octagonal pole sheet thickness (in mm) 3
BASE PLATE Base plate material Grade: E250, Quality:BR (as per IS:2062:2011 latest)
Bolt size M20x700
ADD ON ITEMS Galvanized lightning finial for each pole (in Nos) Without Lightning Finial
Aviation obstruction lights on top of each pole with vertical stand and with LED/GLS (in Nos) Without Aviation Light
Junction box on the Carriage Assembly as required, from which the interconnections for the designed number of the light fixtures on the carriages No
Material of Junction Box Without Junction Box
Cable (ISI Marked Cable) connections from the top junction box to the individual luminaries of each pole Without Cable Connection
Cable (ISI Marked Cable) connections from the Bottom of the pole i.e. from pole's door opening (Base compartment) to top junction box of each pole Without Cable Connection
Terminal Box with Circuit breakers and backlite sheet for cable termination at door opening (Base compartment) for each pole Without MCBs
No.of MCB per Junction Box (in Nos.) Without MCBs
Suitable winch mechanism (raising and lowering mechanism) according to pole height and according to no.of LED luminaires with necessary interlocking , wires and ropes for maintenance Without Winch Mechanism
CERTIFICATIONS Availability of type test reports for the entire system including for Pole construction , wind load (velocity) tests, Winch Mechanism, from Central Govt., Lab/NABL. ILAC accredited lab to prove conformity of the specification Yes