Catalogue values for Immunoassay Analyzers

Category Specification Bid Requirement (Allowed Values)
Performance Parameters Type of Configuration Benchtop
Processing modes continuous random access, Batch, continuous, random access, stat
Type of Automation fully automated
Throughput of the system per hour 200.0 Or higher
Number of Sample 50.0 Or higher
Sample volume per test in µL 1.0 - 1.0 Or lower
Type of method chemiluminescence
Test Menu Cardiac Markers Yes Or higher
Tests which can be performed by Cardiac Markers CK-MB, Troponin I, Myoglobin, NT-proBNP
Infectious Bio Markers Yes, No Or higher
Tests which can be performed by Bio Markers NA if not supplied
Tumor Markers Yes Or higher
Tests which can be performed by Tumor Markers Ferritin, AFP, CEA, Total PSA, f-PSA, CA 125, CA 19-9, CYFRA 21-1, CA 242, CA 72-4, NSE, S-100, SCCA, TPA-snibe, Pepsinogen I, Pepsinogen II, Gastrin - 17
Anemia profile Yes Or higher
Tests which can be performed by Anemia profile Vitamin B12, ferritin, Folate (FA)
Bone Metabolism Yes Or higher
Tests which can be performed by Bone metabolism Intact PTH, 25-OH Vitamin D
Thyroid profile Yes Or higher
Tests which can be performed by thyroid profile TSH (3rd generation), T4, T3, FT4, FT3, Tg (Thyroglobulin), TGA (Anti - tg)
Infertility Yes Or higher
Tests which can be performed for infertility FSH, LH, HCG/ß-HCG, PRL, Estradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone
Vitamin D Yes Or higher
Tests which can be performed for Vitamin D NA if not supplied
Ferritin Yes Or higher
Tests which can be performed for ferritin Ferritin
Infectious Test Yes Or higher
Tests which can be performed for Infectious Test ANTI-HCV
Dual,triple or quad prenatal screening tests Yes, No Or higher
Tests which can be performed for prenatal screening AFP (prenatal screening), HCG/ß-HCG
System Features Closed-tube sampling Yes, No Or higher
Direct tube sampling Yes Or higher
Auto dilution Yes Or higher
Abnormal values flag Yes Or higher
Autowash Yes Or higher
Stat loading facility Yes Or higher
Inbuilt facility for reagent mixing Yes Or higher
Availability of inbuilt refrigeration system for long onboard stability of reagents Yes Or higher
Type of Calibration manual
Calibration stability 14 ≤
LOT specific calibration Yes Or higher
Data Management Type of display Color graphic TFT
Size of Display in inches 10.0 Or higher
Type of user interface or Data entry handheld barcode reader
HIS/LIS Interface Ethernet
Type of External storage USB
Accessories, Spare Parts and Consumables Availability of micro capillary adaptor Yes, No Or higher
Miscellaneous Parameters Warranty (Option of comprehensive warranty is available through bidding only, which if opted will supersede normal warranty in the catalogue) 5