Catalogue values for E - Cart for Garbage (V2)

Category Specification Bid Requirement (Allowed Values)
Generic Specifications Type of E-Cart Fully Electric
Type of Motor Brushless AC Motor
Pay Load Capacity Including Driver 342.0 - 380.0 Or higher
Goods Carrier Capacity excluding Driver 310.0 - 310.0 Or higher
Max Speed (in Km/hr) 25.0 - 25.0 Or higher
Power Output 1200.0 - 2000.0 Or higher
Battery Capacity ( in Electric Charge/Ampere Hour) 100.0 Or higher
Type of Battery as per AIS 048 Lead Acid EV Grade
Type of Front Brake Drum Brake
Type of Rear Brake Drum Brake
Construction Power Transmission from Motor Shaft to Wheels Direct Mounting
Warranty Vehicle Warranty 3.0
Number of Free Services of Complete Vehicle 4
Battery Warranty 2.0