Special Terms and Conditions
Monthly Ambulance Service (All Inclusive)
1. Agreement Overview
This Agreement represents a Special Terms and Conditions (STC) and Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the Buyer and Ambulance Service provider. The purpose of this agreement is to facilitate implementation of Ambulance Hiring Service from the Buyer’s premises or any other premises designated by buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of work, buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services for mutual understanding of the stakeholders. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless either superseded by a revised agreement mutually endorsed by the stakeholders or terminated by either of the parties thereof.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
1. General terms and conditions for Services;
2. Service Specific STC of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service;
3. BID / Reverse Auction specific ATC.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e. ATC supersedes Service specific STC which supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with scope of work and service level agreement as enumerated in the document shall be construed to be part of the Contract between Buyer and Service Provider.
2. Objectives and Goals
The objective of this agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to buyer by service provider. The goals of this agreement are to:
1. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties.
2. Present a clear, concise and measurable description of services offered to the buyer.
3. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified.
4. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons.
The agreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the same. The agreement can also be revised/ modified on mutual consent of the stakeholders.
3. Parties to Agreement
The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-
1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. Service Provider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized agents, assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement.
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ deductions in case of non-adherence to the defined terms and conditions. It is assumed that all stakeholders have read and understood the same before signing the document.
4. Scope of Services
(UNSPSC Code: 92101902 Ambulance Services)
This service deals with hiring of road ambulances that run or either petrol or diesel, which are specially equipped and ergonomically designed for transportation / emergent treatment of sick or injured people and capable of providing out of hospital medical care during transit / when stationary, commensurate with its designated level of care when appropriately staffed. The minimum duration for procurement of this service is a month and can be procured for a defined but temporary tenure on a monthly basis. The ambulances provided should comply with the Automotive Industry Standards – 125 (Part 1 & 2).
For the purpose of this service, local travel would include areas covered within the city limits or up to 50 km of one-way travel, whichever is higher and outstation travel would include the areas covering outside the city limits or more than 50 kms of one-way travel, whichever is higher as per buyer requirements.
Types of Road Ambulances
The types of road ambulances as per the AIS-125 National Ambulance Code for Road Ambulances is as follows:
1. Type A - Medical First Responder: This road ambulance includes CMVR approved and AIS-125 compliant Category M 4-wheeler vehicle or Category L 2 wheeler vehicles designed to provide emergent out of hospital medical care to patients when stationary but will not have the capability to transport patients in supine state or provide them medical care inside the vehicle.
2. Type B - Patient Transport Vehicle: These include CMVR approved and AIS-125 compliant Category M 4-wheeler road ambulance designed and equipped for the transport patients who are not expected to become emergency patients.
3. Type C - Basic Life Support Ambulance: This road ambulance includes CMVR approved and AIS-125 compliant Category M 4-wheeler vehicle, ergonomically designed, suitably equipped and appropriately staffed for the transport and treatment of patients requiring non-invasive airway management / basic monitoring.
4. Type D - Advanced Life Support Ambulance: This road ambulance includes CMVR approved and AIS-125 compliant Category M 4-wheeler vehicle, ergonomically designed, suitably equipped and appropriately staffed for the transport and treatment of emergency patients requiring invasive airway management / intensive monitoring.
The list of equipment is placed at Annexure 1 and the List of Medicines is placed at Annexure 2.
Buyers can choose from the following models for the aforementioned types of ambulances:
1. Motorbike Ambulance: This model can only be used for Type A ambulance. For e.g. Hero Xtreme 200R, Spencer Motorbike Ambulance etc.
2. Single Stretcher Regular Van Ambulance: This model can be used for Type B, C and D type ambulance. E.g. Maruti Suzuki Eeco Care
3. Single Stretcher Premium Van Ambulance: This model can be used for Type B, C and D type ambulance. E.g. Tata Winger Ambulance 3200, Tata Winger Ambulance 3400, Force Traveler Ambulance, SML Isuzu Ambulance, Tata 407 Ambulance etc.
4. Multi-stretcher Van Ambulance: This model can be used for Type B, C and D type ambulance. For e.g. Force Traveler Multi-Stretcher Ambulance etc.
5. MPV Ambulance: This model can be used for Type B, C and D type ambulance. For e.g. Force Trax Ambulance, Mahindra Bolero Ambulance etc.
Buyers can choose from the monthly usage variants of 1500 km, 2000 km, 2500 km and 3000 Km on a 24 hours round the clock basis. The provider of such services shall quote a monthly ambulance hiring cost depending on the usage variants, type of ambulance, location, and other parameters selected by the buyer.
Buyers may choose from the following pricing model for the service:
⦁ All-inclusive Service: Rate for Vehicle, Driver & Fuel for the base package
⦁ All Inclusive service except fuel. Fuel charges to be reimbursed separately based on average mileage quoted by service provider or arrangement of fuel to be done by the buyer.
Buyer will indicate their model in the bid document as per the selection option provided in the category.
4.1 Service Details and Standards
1. All ambulances deployed should confirm to the specifications with all-requisite factory fitted accessories, tools, and accessories including spare wheels and the other equipment in compliance as per AIS-125 of the National Ambulance Code and as per the M.V.Act /Rules in force. The ambulance should preferably be of white colour.
2. All ambulances deployed shall have all the necessary permits/licenses/clearances such as, but not limited to fitness certificate, PUC, full comprehensive insurance (including third party, property and damage coverage),road permit, registration certificate, as per the Motor Vehicles Act, RTO and other applicable laws and statutory bodies, for providing commercial vehicles for this service.
3. All air-conditioned ambulances provided shall have a working air conditioning system and shall be equipped with an emergency medical first aid kit and a fire extinguisher.
4. All ambulances should be in excellent working condition (both internally and externally) at all times and should be cleaned thoroughly both internally and externally, boot kept clear of dust, rubbish, oil, bad odour and any personal belongings of the driver.
5. The ambulances should ensure a) minimum noise of engine and body while running b) tires with proper treads c) appropriately inflated stepney d) working headlights, tail lamps, indicators, speedometer, milometer etc. e) proper paint on the outside f) good condition of bumpers g) upholstery in good condition including washed and ironed white seat covers h) proper locking of all doors i) proper closing and opening of all windows.
6. All ambulances deployed shall arrive at designated location on time and with full or sufficient tank of fuel if provided by service provider.
7. The ambulances deployed shall be parked at the Buyer’s premises and cannot be taken-out without written permission from the Buyer.24-hour availability should be ensured. It must be ensured by the persons available at the time that genuine medical emergency exists before deputing the ambulance.
8. For Type C and D ambulances, internal communication between driver and patient compartment should be facilitated. The ambulance provided may have a Mobile/ Portable Radio System to be installed by the Buyer and the Service provider shall have no objection to that.
9. The front and rear wind screens should have a sticker reading “AMBULANCE”. The Ambulance shall display a mark “ON <BUYER ORGANIZATION NAME> DUTY” on all ambulance at his cost for making the ambulance conspicuously distinguishable from a distance.
1. The drivers of the ambulances must possess a valid driver license and must have a minimum 2 years of driving experience.
2. The Drivers should have the basic knowledge on First Aid and ABC resuscitation in case of medical emergencies.
3. The drivers of the ambulance must have a working mobile number for easy contact by the passenger. It must also have an active internet connection at all times where google maps can be accessed, to navigate the shortest and/ or fastest route possible avoiding traffic jams. The driver shall be reachable at all times during duty hours.
4. The drivers of the ambulance deployed should maintain polite & courteous behaviour towards the buyer/ passenger. “Misbehaviour” which may include, but not limited to, consumption of alcohol during or prior to duty, denial of duty during service hours as defined by user, use of abusive language, theft, shall attract penalties as per provisions of the contract.
5. The Drivers and Medical Technicians shall remain available all the times as per Duty Roster and shall not leave place of Duty from assigned Ambulances without prior permission of Buyer.
Emergency Medical Technician - Basic
1. The EMT Basic should have minimum educational qualification of 12th pass and should have completed training of Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (HSS/Q2301) or equivalent from one of the bodies accredited by Healthcare Skill Council.
2. He/ she should have a minimum of one year experience as an EMT and should be capable to provide basic emergency medical support and care to individuals who are ill or injured and transport them to a medical facility within stipulated time limits.
Emergency Medical Technician –Advanced
⦁ The EMT Basic should have minimum educational qualification of 12th pass and should have completed training of Emergency Medical Technician-Advanced (HSS/Q2302) or equivalent from one of the bodies accredited by Healthcare Skill Council.
⦁ He/ she should have a minimum of 4 years of experience as an EMT and should be capable to provide advanced emergency medical support and care to individuals who are ill or injured and transport them to a medical facility within stipulated time limits.
⦁ He/ she should be able to undertake additional tasks, administer a greater range of medication and perform more procedures as well.
4.2 Defined Timelines
1. The Service Provider shall ensure that assigned ambulance along with driver and EMT (if demanded) report within 1 month of confirmation of order or as mutually agreed with the Buyer.
2. Buyer shall notify service provider of any change in schedule of hired ambulance(s). The notification shall be provided 24 hours prior to change.
⦁ Delay in arrival beyond 30 minutes, shall attract penalties.
4.3 Service Assumptions
1. Acceptance of an Ambulance will be subject to the inspection of the ambulance documents and the documents of the driver and EMTs by an authorized officer. Such inspection(s) will be carried out initially before the first acceptance of the ambulance and at an appropriate periodical or by surprise checks at the discretion of the Buyer. The decision with regards to the acceptance or rejection of the ambulance/equipment, offered by Service Provider shall remain with the Buyer and its decision shall be final and binding.
2. The Service Provider shall not sublet any part of the Contract. All ambulances are to be registered in the name of Service Provider.
3. The ambulance, taken on hire with the approval of the Buyer or his nominated officer for regular duties under the contract shall not be changed/ replaced by the Contractor normally during currency of contract except for its being defective in which case another hired ambulance of equivalent or higher specifications/model shall be provided by the contractor. The replaced ambulance will be accepted only if it has all valid documents for which the decision of the Buyer or its Authorized Representative will be considered as final.
4. The time of service provided shall start from the point of pick up to the point of final drop off and the garage hours and km shall not be included.
5. The Buyer shall be entitled to use the ambulance within the scope of service specified under this contract and at no time during or after the completion of the contract, will the ownership of hired ambulance be transferred to the Buyer.
6. The ambulance deployed for duty shall at no point of time carry any person other than personnel authorized by the buyer.
7. The drivers/ EMTs provided by the service provider shall not be deemed employees of the buyer hence the compliance of the applicable labour laws and acts, Transport Motor workers Act and other relevant laws will be the sole responsibility of the service provider.
8. Under no circumstances shall the Buyer be liable to compensate for any loss or damage that may be caused to the Ambulance(s) by accident or complications arising out of such contingencies like theft, fire, riots, strike and terrorism damage whether inside or outside buyer premises while engaged.
9. Buyer shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever to public property and /or any third person due to any accident arising out of and in the course of deployment of service provider’s ambulance.
10. The buyer will in no way be responsible for violation of traffic rules and /or infringement of any other law for the time being in force, either by the driver of the ambulance or by the service provider.
11. During the contract period, if the ambulance is seized or detained or requisitioned by Police/Motor Vehicle Authority or any other authorities for whatsoever reasons that will be at the service provider’s risk.
4.4 Limitations of Service Delivery (if any)
Hiring for this service would mean hiring for monthly basis for both local and outstation travel. The service for the month will deemed to have completed once the buyer has utilized the usage variant selected with a variation of up to 25% of the selected km.
5. Terms and Conditions:
5.1 Buyers Obligations
1. The location for reporting shall be provided by the buyer to the service provider.
2. In the event that the ambulances run more than the estimated number of kms as mentioned in the order details, the charges for additional km travelled will be paid at the additional rate quoted by the service provider for the specific trip.
3. In the event of outstation travel, outstation night charges will be paid to the service provider if the duty hours end between 10:30 pm and 6:00 am at an outstation location. The service provider shall have to make his own arrangements for the stay of his staff including night-halt, etc. at his own risk and cost and also for repairs and fueling (if provided by service provider), etc. of the hired ambulance(s) as per requirement.
4. The Buyer/ passenger must immediately report to the designated representative of the Service Provider any problems, complaints, incidents or accidents that occur during the trip, including any form of inappropriate behaviour/ improper uniform by the driver/ staff.
5. It is fundamental that the driver does not under any circumstance directly or indirectly approach, solicit or accept work in any form from the buyer/ passenger. If the driver of the ambulance communicates directly with the Buyer/passenger (either by telephone, in writing or verbally, and either before, during or after a trip) to make alter or change the nature of service provided, the Buyer must immediately inform the Service Provider.
6. Price Variation Clause:
"It is advisable to include Price Variation Clause in the long term contracts to take care of the increase/decrease in prices of various ingredients which majorly affect the overall price of the service. Buyers are therefore advised to include the Price Variation Clause (PVC) in the bid document through ATC for long term contracts. The additional payment, if any, on account of PVC can be done offline till such time online functionality is developed on GeM."
5.2 Service Provider Obligations
1. Service Provider shall ensure the level of service required is of the highest professional standard and shall ensure full compliance to the terms and conditions of the contract.
2. Service Provider shall ensure that proper inspection of ambulance has been done before deploying it to the Buyer/ Consignee location as per the contract.
3. The Service Provider shall ensure that all maintenance works related to the assigned ambulance will be carried out in off duty hours. It shall be ensured that all electrical connections including lights (both brake and front), horn, turn indicators, air conditioning and other vehicle systems shall be periodically checked and maintained by service provider to avoid any inconvenience to the buyer.
4. The service provider shall provide at his own cost proper uniform and badges and photo identity cards to the drivers in compliance with the Motor Transport Workers Act.
5. The service provider must ensure that all necessary measures are taken by the driver to ensure passenger safety by avoiding negligent driving by their drivers such as over speeding, rash driving, and driving ambulance without brakes/defective brakes. Driver(s) also to ensure that no inflammable substances of any nature, form etc. should be carried by ambulance at the installations, camp stations, stores, yards, etc. while on duty.
6. The service provider shall take comprehensive insurance cover with third party unlimited liability risk of the ambulance provided to the buyer.
7. In an event that, for any reason, the drivers provided change their contact number during the tenure of the contract then service provider will immediately notify the buyer of the above change.
8. The service provider shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the provisions related to Labour Law [Central/State] and specially Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act, PF, ESI Act, Payment of Bonus Act, Contract Labour [R&A] Act, Workmen Compensation Act, Motor Vehicle Act, Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961, CMVR Act/ Rules, AIS-125 etc. and any other relevant acts as applicable at present or in future during the tenure of the contract and as may be enforced from time to time. Onus of compliance of all the applicable Laws/Acts/Rules shall rest with the service provider only and the buyer will not be liable in any manner.
9. The Service Provider shall not deploy or shall discontinue deploying the person(s), if desired by the Buyer and must ensure prompt replacement of the personnel without any additional cost to the Buyer. Person once removed from the duties shall not be employed again to work. The personnel being deployed shall ordinarily be continued and should not be changed without written intimation and consultation with Buyer.
10. A mandatory, detailed contingency plan(s) in the event of mechanical breakdown of each ambulance, for each area of operation shall be provided by the service provider.
11. In an event that service provider fails to deliver or fails to carry out tasks as per schedule due to non-delivery of ambulance, break-down, servicing and repairs of ambulance, or if the ambulance is seized or detained or requisitioned by Police/Motor Vehicle Authority or any other authorities for whatsoever reasons, the Service Provider at his own cost shall make alternate arrangement by providing similar or higher class of ambulance(s) for which agreement is entered into, without any extra charges. Failure to do so will evoke penalty then buyer shall have right to recover damages as per the provisions of the contract.
12. The Service Provider would be bound by the conditions with regard to police verification of the deployed staff and their medical fitness. Service Provider should undertake and ensure that personnel engaged by him are not suffering from disease, injury or illness contagious or otherwise. The buyer may examine the Service Provider’s employees as and when felt necessary, and those declared unfit shall be removed from duty and the Service Provider should provide the replacement of such persons immediately.
13. The Service Provider will deploy experienced drivers knowing the routes of the areas and familiar with the localities for carrying out the services. The service provider shall be personally responsible for any theft, misconduct and /or disobedience on the part of drivers so provided by him.
14. It will be the responsibility of the service provider to maintain the ambulance in perfect running condition with sufficient fuel (if provided by service provider) etc. 12 hours Maintenance leave once in a month for maintenance of the ambulance shall be allowed with prior permission Further carry forward of maintenance leave will not be allowed. The maintenance leave will not be counted towards working hours.
15. The service provider shall be solely responsible for the payment of wages and other dues to the persons deployed by him latest by 7th day of the following month. The service provider shall ensure payment of wages to the person employed and meet all statutory obligations of payment as per the Minimum Wages Act 1948 and the Payment of Wages Act 1936.
16. The service provider’s staff shall abide by the existing security and safety rules/regulations/precautions as per instructions given from time to time.
5.3 Other Terms & Conditions
5.3.1 Service Tracking
Tracking of services ensures quality of service delivery in time bound manner, effective service tracking helps in analysing Service Provider’s performance as well as Buyer’s timely inputs for services and leads to immediate actions against the defaulters if any. Service tracking shall be mandatory for both Buyer and Service Provider, non-tracking of the same may lead to a fine/ penalty on either party.
5.3.2 Logbook
The service provider will maintain a separate duty slip for each ambulance, which will be signed by the authorized signatory of the buyer/ passenger. Before each car is allotted for duty, the odometer reading shall be noted down by the driver and subsequent entries for starting time/closing time, places visited etc. for each duty during service hours. After completion of duty, the driver shall again note down the odometer reading and get it checked and signed by the user of the ambulance deployed by the buyer. On the basis of each ambulance’s duty slip, the service provider shall prepare bills enclosing therewith a consolidated statement of each ambulance’s running and original copies of duty slip. The logbook shall also contain details of the employee/dependent requiring emergency assistance.
6. Payment Terms and Conditions
6.1 Payment shall be made once the Service Provider submits the invoice online on GeM alongwith other relevant documents and after generation of Service Delivery Acceptance Certificate (SDAC) by consignee for the submitted invoice.
6.2 All deductions (if applicable) will be accounted/deducted during SDAC generation before making the payments. Payment will be made through bank transfer only and in no circumstance cash/ cheque payment will be made.
6.3 The payment terms will be dependent on the pricing model chosen by the Buyer which are as follows:
1. All-inclusive Service: Under this pricing model, the service provider will quote comprehensive monthly rate for the vehicle and its operation and maintenance, driver and fuel for the monthly usage variant selected. Any additional kms will be paid separately as per the additional km rate quoted by the buyer. Requirements of EMTs, and GPRS Tracking devices, consumables etc will also be paid separately based on the rate quoted by the service provider.
2. All-inclusive Service except fuel. Fuel charges to be reimbursed separately based on average mileage quoted by service provider or arrangement of fuel to be done by the buyer: The service provider will quote the monthly rate for the vehicle and driver, including operation and maintenance of the vehicle. For the kms run, the buyer shall reimburse the service provider for the fuel charges based on the average mileage per liter of fuel quoted by the service provider for the actual km run during the month. Reimbursement of fuel cost shall be made at prevailing market rates, for which proof of fuel rates, prevailing as on 1st and 15th of each month shall be submitted by the service provider. In this model buyer can also arrange the fuel of their own if they do not want to opt for the reimbursement model.
Any additional kms over and above the selected usage variant at the end of the month will be paid separately as per calculation indicated below.
Extra per km charges - Monthly package cost divided by no. of kms in monthly package multiplied 0.4 .
An example of calculation for extra kms illustrated below for reference:
Calculation of extra Kms cost for extra 100 Kms beyond package Kms |
24X7 Service |
Package - 2000 Kms |
Package Cost (in INR) |
60000 |
Per Km cost as per package (Rs. 60000/2000 Kms) |
30 |
Multiplied by factor 0.4 |
12 |
Cost for extra 100 Kms |
1200 |
7. Deductions / Liquidated Damage
In case of noncompliance of the standards of the services to be provided as per this agreement, the buyer would be at liberty to levy such deductions and terminate the contract as per the conditions detailed out below:
# | Nature of Default | Default Details | Penalties | Remarks | ||
1st instance | 2nd instance | 3rd instance | ||||
1 | Non deployment of vehicle/driver (no replacement provided) | Non deployment for 30 min or more, no replacement provided up to 2 hours | Amount of charges for vehicle hired by Buyer from third party | Amount of charges for vehicle hired by Buyer from third party and a penalty of 5% of monthly vehicle hiring cost | Amount of charges for vehicle hired by Buyer from third party and a penalty of 10% of monthly vehicle hiring cost | After 3rd instance, the buyer may terminate the contract or continue to impose the same penalty as imposed for 3rd instance. |
2 | Non deployment of vehicle/driver (replacement provided) | Non deployment for 30 min or more, replacement provided within 2 hours | Warning | Penalty of 3% of particular vehicle hiring cost | Penalty of 5% of particular vehicle hiring cost | After 3rd instance, the buyer may terminate the contract or continue to impose the same penalty as imposed for 3rd instance. |
3 | Breakdown of vehicle during trip (no replacement provided) | No replacement provided up to 2 hours | Amount of charges for vehicle hired by Buyer from third party | Amount of charges for vehicle hired by Buyer from third party and a penalty of 4% of monthly vehicle hiring cost | Amount of charges for vehicle hired by Buyer from third party and a penalty of 8% of monthly vehicle hiring cost | After 3rd instance, the buyer may terminate the contract or continue to impose the same penalty as imposed for 3rd instance. |
4 | Breakdown of vehicle during trip (replacement provided) | Replacement provided within to 2 hours | Warning | Amount of charges for vehicle hired by Buyer from third party and a penalty of 2% of monthly vehicle hiring cost | Amount of charges for vehicle hired by Buyer from third party and a penalty of 4% of monthly vehicle hiring cost | After 3rd instance, the buyer may terminate the contract or continue to impose the same penalty as imposed for 3rd instance. |
5 | Delay in arrival of vehicle/ driver/ EMT | For 30 mins or more | Warning | Penalty of 1% of vehicle hiring cost | Penalty of 2% of vehicle hiring cost | After 3rd instance, the buyer may continue to impose the same penalty as imposed for 3rd instance. |
6 | Misbehavior by driver/ unacceptable behavior by driver | Any instance | Penalty of Rs. 1000 | Penalty of Rs. 2000/- | After 2nd instance, the service provider will have to replace the driver | |
7 | Driver in intoxicated state | Any instance | Penalty of Rs. 2500/- | After 1st instance, the service provider will have to replace the driver. After 2 cumulative instances, buyer may terminate the contract. | ||
8 | Failure to address deficiencies pointed out at inspection | Deficiencies not addressed after 24 hours of inspection | Penalty of Rs. 500/- | Penalty of Rs. 800/- | Penalty of Rs. 1000/- | After 3rd instance, the buyer may continue to impose the same penalty as imposed for 3rd instance. |
8. Amendment to contract
During service delivery period some conditions may occur when the Buyer and/ or Service Provider may require to amend the Contract, some of such conditions may be as followed-
8.1 Amendment of the Contract after event of Force Majeure: A Force Majeure (FM) means extraordinary events or circumstance beyond human control such as an event described as an act of God (like a natural calamity) or events such as a war, strike, riots, crimes (but not including negligence or wrongdoing, predictable/seasonal rain and any other events specifically excluded in the clause).In case of occurrence of such event which has affected either party directly to perform the agreed services, the contract can be amended. However, cause, evidence and nature of such effect shall be notified to the other party.
8.2 Amendment in statutory variations: All statutory variations leading to increase in the cost of the contract will be debited to the buyer accounts.
9. Termination of contract
The Agreement shall be come to an end either on completion of the Contract Period or shall be terminated for the following reasons:
9.1 Mutual consent: The contract may be terminated based on mutual consent in case the services are no longer required. Termination based on mutual consent will not attract any penalties or shall not be liable for any extra payments other than payment of invoices raised till the time of termination including notice period.
9.2 Breach of contractual obligations: Any incidents considered as the breach of contract will result in immediate termination of services. The Buyer shall have the right to terminate the Contract effective immediately by giving written notice to the Service Provider if, the Service Provider breaches a material provision of this Contract where that breach is not capable of remedy; or if the Service Provider breaches any provision of this Contract and fails to remedy the breach within 14 days after receiving notice requiring it to do so.
9.3 Breach of SLAs: The contract may also be terminated by the Buyer if i) the cumulative penalties rise to 10% of the contract value ii) repeated breach of any SLA beyond 3 instances as per buyer discretion.
However, termination of this Contract shall not affect any accrued rights or remedies of either party.
10. Service Formula
$total = $quantity*$duration_in_months*$cost
$cost = Per month Ambulance hiring cost
$quantity = Number of Ambulances
$duration_in_months = Duration in months
11. Annexures:
11.1 Annexure 1 – List of Equipment for Ambulance Types
Ambulance Type | A | B | C | D |
Patient Handling Equipment | ||||
Main Stretcher | - | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Pickup Stretcher | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Vacuum Mattress | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Transfer mattress / Carrying Sheet | - | Optional | 1 | 1 |
Long spinal board complete with head immobilizer and securing straps | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Type of Immobilization Equipment | ||||
Traction Device | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Immobilization, Set of fractures | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Cervical upper spinal immobilization devices | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Extended Upper Spinal Immobilization Extrication Devices or Short Spinal Board (one of these) | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Type of Life SOT Equipment | ||||
Stationary Oxygen | - | - | Minimum 2 Nos. of 10L Water Capacity Cylinders at maximum 150 kgf/cm2 filling pressure manufactured as per IS:7285 and certified by Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur | Minimum 1 No. of 46.7L and 10L Water Capacity Cylinders each at maximum 150 kgf/cm2 filling pressure manufactured as per IS:7285 and certified by Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur |
Portable Oxygen | Minimum 1 No. of 2.2L Water Capacity Aluminium Cylinder at maximum 150 kgf/cm2 filling pressure manufactured as per IS:7285 and certified by Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur | Minimum 1 No. of 2.2L Water Capacity Aluminium Cylinder at maximum 150 kgf/cm2 filling pressure manufactured as per IS:7285 and certified by Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur | Minimum 1 No. of 2.2L Water Capacity Aluminium Cylinder at maximum 150 kgf/cm2 filling pressure manufactured as per IS:7285 and certified by Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur | Minimum 1 No. of 2.2L Water Capacity Aluminium Cylinder at maximum 150 kgf/cm2 filling pressure manufactured as per IS:7285 and certified by Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur |
Valve for Cylinders at 1 and 2 above | 3/8" Bull Nose Valve as per IS:3224 | 3/8" Bull Nose Valve as per IS:3224 | 3/8" Bull Nose Valve as per IS:3224 | 3/8" Bull Nose Valve as per IS:3224 |
Resuscitator with oxygen inlet and masks and airways for all ages and oxygen reservoir | Optional | Optional | 1 | 1 |
Mouth to mask ventilator with oxygen inlet | 1 | 1 | Optional | Optional |
Electric Portable Suction Aspirator with air flow of at least 30 L/min and a vacuum level of at least 600 mm Hg (ISO 10079-1-1999) | Optional | Optional | 1 | 1 |
Portable Suction Aspirator, Manual | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Type of Diagnostic Equipment | ||||
Manual B. P. Monitor Cuff Size: 10 cm. - 66 cm. | - | - | Either 1 | Either 1 |
Automatic B P Monitor, Cuff Size 10 cm. - 66 cm. | - | - | ||
Oximeter | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Stethoscope | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Thermometer | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Device for Blood Sugar Determination | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Diagnostic Light | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Type of Drug | ||||
Pain Relief Drug | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Type of Infusion Material or Equipment | ||||
Infusion Solutions, Litre | - | - | 4 | 4 |
Equipments for injections and infusions set | - | - | 2 | 2 |
Infusion Mounting | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Pressure Infusion Device | - | - | - | 1 |
Type of Equipment for Management of Life Threatening Problems (Two or more functions can be used in one device) | ||||
Defibrillator with rhythm and patient data recording | - | - | Optional | 1 |
Cardiac Monitor | - | - | Optional | 1 |
External Cardiac Pacing | - | - | Optional | 1 |
Portable airways care system (p.a.c.s.) Manual resuscitator Mouth to mask ventilator with oxygen inlet Airways oro- or nasopharyngeal airway Aspirator | - | - | 1 | - |
Portable advanced resuscitation system (p.a.r.s.) | - | - | - | 1 |
Contents of portable airways care System (p.a.c.s.) | ||||
Infusion equipment - to include suitable venous indwelling cannulae | ||||
Infusion administration sets | ||||
Infusion solutions | ||||
Adhesive fixing materials | ||||
Intubation equipment-to include laryngoscope handle(s) with suitable blades | ||||
Magill forceps | ||||
Insertion stylets | ||||
Endotracheal tubes with connectors | ||||
Inflation tube clamp | ||||
Inflation syringe | ||||
Tube fixing material Stethoscope | ||||
Drug administration equipment | ||||
Nebulization Apparatus | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Thorax Drainage Kit | - | - | - | 1 |
Volumetric Infusion Device | - | - | - | 1 |
Central Vein Catheters | - | - | - | 1 |
Requirements for emergency and transport ventilators | - | - | - | 1 |
PEEP Valve, Adjustable or Set | - | - | - | 1 |
Capnometer | - | - | - | 1 |
Bandaging and Nursing | ||||
Material for treatment of wounds | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Materials for treatment of burns and corrosives | 1 | - | 1 | 1 |
Re-plantation container to maintain the internal temperature at (4 ± 2)°C for at least 2 h | - | - | Optional | Optional |
Kidney Bowl | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Vomiting Bag | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Bed Pan | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Non-Glass Urine Bottle | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Sharps Container | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Gastric Tube with Accessories | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Sterile Surgical Gloves, Pairs | 2 | 2 | 5 | 5 |
Non-Sterile Gloves for Single Use | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Emergency Delivery Kit | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Waste Bag | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Clinical Waste Bag | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Non-Woven Stretcher Sheet | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Personal protection Equipment (for Each Member of the Crew for Protection and to Identify the Staff as Road Ambulance Personnel) - Numbers are quoted per crew member | ||||
Basic protective clothing including high visibility reflective jacket or tabard | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Advanced Protection Wear | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Safety / Debris Gloves, Pair | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Safety Shoes, Pairs | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Safety Helmet | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Personal Protection Equipment against Infection | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Rescue and Protection Material | ||||
Cleaning and disinfection material | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Rescue tools when used for crash rescue | 1 | - | 1 | 1 |
Seat belt cutter | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Warning Triangle Lights | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Spotlight | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Fire Extinguisher, ABC Type (minimum 2 kg capacity complying with IS:13849 or IS:2171) | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Communication | ||||
Access to the public telephone network e.g. via the normal radio transmitter or by mobile (cellular) telephone | 1 | - | 1 | 1 |
Internal communication between driver and patient compartment | - | - | 1 |
11.2 Annexure 2: List of Medicines for Ambulance Type
Ambulance Type | ||||
Medicines | A | B | C | D |
Cardiovascular medication, such as 1:10,000 epinephrine, atropine, antidysrhythmics (e.g., adenosine and amiodarone), calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, nitroglycerin tablets, aspirin, vasopressor for infusion, Aspirin, Digoxin, Furosemide injection, Lidocaine 2%,Glyceryl trinitrate spray, Tenecteplase vial, Dalteparin injection | Y | |||
Cardiopulmonary/respiratory medications, such as albuterol (or other inhaled beta agonist) and ipratropium bromide, 1:1000 epinephrine, furosemide, Aminophylline injection, Hydrocortisone sodium succinate injection, Prednisolone, Salbutamol or terbutaline inhaler, Salbutamol for nebuliser, Ipratropium for nebuliser | Y | Y | Y | Y |
50% dextrose solution (and sterile diluent or 25% dextrose solution for pediatrics) | Y | Y | ||
Narcotic and nonnarcotic drugs | Y | Y | ||
Anti-epileptic medications, such as diazepam or midazolam | Y | Y | ||
Sodium bicarbonate, magnesium sulfate, glucagon, naloxone hydrochloride, calcium chloride | Y | Y | ||
Bacteriostatic water and sodium chloride for injection | Y | Y | Y | |
Intubation adjuncts, including neuromuscular blockers | Y | Y | Y | |
Anti allergy such Hydrocortisone sodium succinate injection, 100mg powder for reconstitution | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Adrenaline 1 in 1,000 (1mg/mL) | ||||
Chlorphenamine tablets 4mg | ||||
Chlorphenamine injection 10mg/mL | ||||
Painkillers such as Paracetamol tablets, Dihydrocodeine tablets, Painkiller injection, Diclofenac | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Antibiotics such as Amoxicillin capsules/co-amoxiclav tablets and suspension, Cefuroxime injection, Cefalexin capsules, Erythromycin tablets and mixture, Trimethoprim tablets, Metronidazole tablets, Penicillin V tablets, Benzylpenicillin injection | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Central Nervous System Diazepam, Chlorpromazine, Haloperidol | Y | |||
Diabetes such as Glucagon injection, Glucose solution | Y | Y | ||
Gastro-Intestinal Tract Medicine such as Prochlorperazine injection, Loperamide, Antacid tablets | Y | Y | ||
Obstetrics ergometrine maleate & oxytocin injection | Y | Y | Y | |
Ophthalmology Chloramphenicol eye ointment 1% | Y | Y | ||
Fluorescein eye drops 1% | ||||
Paediatric Paracetamol sachets, rehydration sachets | Y | Y |