1. Hiring of Third-Party Inspection Agency Service contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by the following set of Terms and Conditions:

i. General terms and conditions for Goods and Services;
ii. Service Specific STC of Hiring of Third-Party Inspection Agency Service – as defined in Service Catalogue which includes SLA for the Service or Service for a particular product;
iii. BID/Reverse Auction specific ATC

  1. Operation of the above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e. ATC supplement Service Specific STC and GTC, however Service Specific STC will prevail or supersede the GTC wherever there are any conflicting provisions.
  2. The above set of conditions along with the scope of supply including price as enumerated in the contract document shall be construed to be part of the contract.
  3. This document represents comprehensive Terms and Conditions governing the contract between the Buyer and Service Provider. The purpose of this document is to outline the scope of work, Stakeholder’s obligation and the terms and conditions of all services covered as mutually understood by the stakeholder
    Agreement Overview: This Agreement represents the Special Terms and Conditions (STC) and the Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the Buyer and SPA providing the Hiring of Third-Party Inspection Agency Service. 

    STC of this Service will be attached by the Buyer during Bid creation and that will become the part of the Contracts.

Payment Calculation would be as below:

Payment = Lumpsum cost for Third party Inspection Agency*1